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Travel Norfolk signpost icon Journey Planner

Why use Travel Norfolk?

Local and accurate

Discover local, accurate and real-time public transport information

Mix up your modes

Use the map to find cycle parking and cycle share schemes close to transport links.

What’s in your area?

Use our helpful map key to find local amenities and points of interest.

Choose the bus

Travel Norfolk provides all the information you need to make bus travel the easy option. Our interactive map allows you to effortlessly locate bus stops and access detailed bus route information. With just a few clicks, you can search for specific bus stops, view route details, and track real-time bus information to minimise waiting times!

Going Somewhere?

Motivation-based planning: Our journey planner allows users to input trip criteria based on their motivations. Whether it is focused on journey time, environmentally, health benefits, or cost savings routes. Once users enter the start point and destination the route finder will map out the best routes, giving users an estimation of time and a mileage count, highlighting the fastest, greenest, healthiest, and cheapest route depending on people’s motivation. Try out the all new journey planner today.

One journey at a time…

Travel Norfolk is all about asking people to think about how they travel – one journey at a time. It’s not always an option to leave the car at home – sometimes the load is too heavy, the distance is too long, or the weather is too bad. But if people did cycle, walk, wheel or use public transport when they can then the impacts would be great – including cleaner air, less congestion and better health and wellbeing.

Norfolk County Council awards new contracts for Norwich Park and Ride services

Following a competitive tender process which started in July, Norfolk County Council has this week awarded contracts to run the…

Improved cycling links proposed for Mile Cross in Norwich

Norfolk County Council and the Transport for Norwich (TfN) partnership are asking for feedback on proposals to improve the Mile…

Are Norfolk’s railways on the right track? Your chance to have your say

People are being urged to have their say on the county’s vision for the future of Norfolk’s railways. Ambitions for…

Bus passenger figures continue to rise across Norfolk

Latest figures from bus operators across Norfolk show that the number of passengers has increased by 12% for the first…